- Introduction
- Step 1: Fund Information Load
- Step 2: Investor & Investment Vehicle Accounts Load
- Step 3: Contacts Load
- Step 4: Commitments Load
There are four steps when uploading a new Fund into Salesforce that have been broken into four upload templates. Each template will be populated with data from the Investor Questionnaires or the Tracking and Contact Spreadsheet provided by the legal team. Generally, the process will involve a lot of copy and paste functions, but certain aspects will require the user to decide on the optimal approach.
Please Note:
The most up to date spreadsheet templates can be found at the bottom of this article. If this upload is for a subsequent fund and will not be the first fund uploaded to Salesforce, please reference the notes for each section to ensure that your fund data is prepared properly.
Once the data is ready for import, instructions for performing this data load using the Salesforce Data Loader can be found here.
Step 1: Fund Information Load
1. Enter the (i) fund name and (ii) relevant bank information for each fund that is being uploaded to Salesforce in a single Step 1 template.
a. For example, if Bond Ventures has raised Bond Fund I, L.P. and Bond Opportunities Fund I, L.P., there should be two unique entries with Columns A through F completed.
Columns Defined:
1. Fund Name: The legal name of the fund as it is registered with the state in which the fund was formed. See the Certificate of Limited Partnership or search the applicable state business directory.
2. Inception Date: Can be either the date of formation for the fund entity or the date of the first close.
3. Bank Name: The name of the bank with which the fund has an account.
4. Bank Address: The physical address at which the bank receives letters or packages.
5. Bank Account #: The ten to twelve digit number representing the unique account held by the fund.
6. Bank Routing Number: The nine digit code used by banks in the United States to identity financial institutions. This number will be
unique to the bank employed by the fund.
7. SWIFT Code: An eight or eleven character code required for international funds.
Step 2: Investor & Investment Vehicle Accounts Load
1. Decide the names of the Investor accounts by which the Investment Vehicles will be grouped. For example, if John Smith invests through the “Smith Family Revocable Trust” and “Smith, LLC”, then the Investment Vehicle names would be “Smith Family Revocable Trust” and “Smith, LLC”, and their corresponding Investor account would be called “Smith”.
- If an entity (Investment Vehicle) in the subsequent fund is also in the previous fund(s) do not include this entity in this upload template
- The only entities that should be included in an import template are entities that were not in the previous fund(s)
- Ex: If the second fund is all the same LP’s as the first fund, you can skip uploading the Investment Vehicles during Step 2.
2. Enter the (i) Xero GL codes and (ii) legal names of all the investing entities or persons (i.e. Investment Vehicles) that have capital commitments in the fund(s).
- In Salesforce, an entity can only have 1 GL code assigned to it
- If an entity is invested in multiple funds of the same client, they must have the same GL code in each Xero GL
- As a best practice, when setting up a subsequent fund in Xero for an existing client, export the chart of accounts from the previous Fund(s) for the new Fund.
3. The following columns are not required to be completed for the upload, but are good to record:
Columns Defined:
1. Investor Name: List the Investor names that are associated with the Investment Vehicles. Do not use the same name for both the Investor and Investment Vehicle accounts.
2. Account Type: Enter the type of account that corresponds to the name in the Investor column. Investor accounts serve to group together multiple Investment Vehicles.
3. Investment Vehicle Name: This is the legal name of the investing entity or person that what will show up on Capital Calls, Quarterly Reports, etc.
4. Mailing Address: Enter the mailing address for the Investment Vehicle. This is not a required field.
5. Phone Number: Enter the phone number for the main contact associated with the Investment Vehicle. This is not a required field.
6. Fax: Enter the fax number for the main contact associated with the Investment Vehicle. This is not a required field.
7. Xero GL Code: Please pull from the appropriate Xero general ledger. This is not a required field unless the client uses Xero.
8. Tax ID: This field must be nine digits. Leave blank if not applicable.
9. Wire Instructions Last Submitted On: The Date/Time that Wire Instructions were last recorded as submitted. This is not a required field.
10. Wire Instructions Submitted By Contact: Full Name: The Contact who provided Wire Instructions. The selected Contact must have a corresponding Contact Role linking it to this Account (Investment Vehicle). This is not a required field.
11. ABA Routing Number: ABA Routing Number has to be exactly nine digits. This is not a required field.
12. SWIFT Code: This field is required if ABA Routing Number is blank. This is not a required field.
Step 3: Contacts Load
1. Keep the now completed Step 2 template open while progressing through this next section as
you will regularly be referring back to and possibly updating Step 2.
2. As you review the Tracking Spreadsheet or Investor Questionnaires it is optimal to complete
all required fields (with the exception of Contact Type) for each contact before moving on to
the next.
3. Enter the (i) name and (ii) email address of the Contact(s) associated with an Investment
a. If the contact, Jane Smith, has a group email address,, fill
in the Contact column with a name that matches the email address, such as Pantheon
Investments. Then complete the Contact Person Name column with the name of the
person who is the point of contact, Jane Smith.
4. Next, enter (i) the name of the Investment Vehicle, (ii) the name of the Investor and (ii) the
Contact Roles that correspond to the Contact.
- If this data import contains investment vehicles that are already in FundPanel, refer to the notes in the first section of Step 2. The same principle applies to Investment Vehicles included in this Contacts s as well.
a. The name of the Investor should be pulled from the Investor column
in the Step 2 template so as to maintain a consistent naming convention.
b. Contacts will generally be assigned nine out of ten of the available roles (all but Advisory
Board) unless it is indicated as otherwise in the Investor Questionnaire or Tracking
i. Most commonly Investors indicate that the Advisor contacts should have
limited Contact Roles so that they only receive information related to their
specific services (tax, legal, etc.).
5. Now determine the Contact Type for each entry
a. Review all entries and complete the Contact Types column.
i. If there is only one entry on the worksheet per contact, then it is likely an
ii. If there are multiple entries on the worksheet per Investment Vehicle contact,
but they are for the same Investor Account they are likely an Investor. For
example, if Johnny Blaze has contact roles for both the “Smith Family Revocable
Trust” and “Smith, LLC” Investment Vehicles, then he will have the Contact Type
of Investor for the Investor Account “Smith” (see the Smith example above in
Step 2, General Instructions 1).
Columns Defined:
1. Investor Name: This must match “Investor Name” from Step 2 exactly.
2. Contact Name: Enter the first and last names of the contacts being uploaded.
3. Contact Type: Chooses one of the two types of accounts that a contact can be saved as:
a. Investor contacts are those that are associated with just a single Investor (i.e.
employees or the investors themselves).
4. Contact Person Name: This field is for those contacts that are representative of a team instead
of an individual. Enter the name of the point person here. This is not a required field.
5. Email: An email address can only be used once to create a contact so you cannot make duplicate
contacts that share the same email address. In those cases, you should consider combining the
multiple contacts into a single Advisor contact.
6. Investment Vehicle: This must match "Investment Vehicle Name" from Step 2 exactly.
7. Contact Roles: Contacts cannot receive any communication without roles. Generally, all the
roles except advisory board will be assigned to a contact unless the Investor Questionnaires or
Tracking Spreadsheet indicate differently.
Step 4: Commitments Load
1. Enter the (i) Capital Commitments, (ii) Investment Vehicles names and the corresponding (iii)
Fund Name(s).
2. If you are uploading multiple funds, all the commitments can be tracked and uploaded using
one Step 4 template. Simply group the commitments for each fund separately by entering the
applicable Fund Name in Column B.
a. After entering all the data, you should total the commitments for each fund to confirm
that the total capital committed values match what is on the Tracking Spreadsheet.
Columns Defined:
1. External ID: Start with "Commitment 1" and drag the bottom right corner of the cell down to
the bottom of your list to number each commitment.
2. Fund Name: This must match "Fund Name" from Step 1.
a. If you are uploading multiple funds, make sure that the name in this column matches
the fund in which the Investment Vehicle has the capital commitment.
3. Investment Vehicle Name: This must match "Investment Vehicle Name" from Step 2 exactly.
4. Commitment: The dollar amount that the Investment Vehicle has committed to the Fund. Do
not use commas.
a. Please format the cells in this column as “text” for the purposes of the upload.