July 2022 - Release 11 Notes

Modified on Mon, 01 Aug 2022 at 04:29 PM


This document is an overview of the features and bug fixes to be released in FundPanel Version 11. In Progress features, Up Next features, and Ideas for future features can be found in the FundPanel Roadmap - In Progress & Up Next.  



New Features


Creation Wizards

  • Custom fields can be added to the CSV Import Step on the new Capital Call/Distribution/Capital Account creation wizards. This eliminates the need for manual data entry or use of the Dataloader.

  • An Error Message will generate on the Capital Call/Distribution/Capital Account creation wizards for Rows Not Matched

    • Unmatched rows will be highlighted and a message will display with the number of issues and CSV rows not matched. This allows for easier identification of unmatched rows when source data has Vehicle names that do not match. 

  • Zero Dollar Capital Call/Distributions are allowed on creation Step 2 of the creation wizard


Capital Calls

  • Xero Sync includes the option to exclude Capital Calls with $0 Amount Due

  • Expenses outside of Commitment field added to: Capital Call, Capital Account & Fund

  • Late Admission Interest added to: Capital Call, Capital Account & Fund

  • When a Paid Capital Call is not yet due, it will not be included in the over/under paid calculation

  • The "Refresh Capital Call Amount Due" button added to the Capital Call Parent layout


Fund Metrics

  • Interest transaction removed from IRR/TVPI cash flow in the IRR Snapshot

    • Interest removed from the calculation to improve accuracy

  • Added Most Recent Gross IRR, Net IRR, MOIC, TVPI and DPI Metrics on the fund

  • TVPI calculation will use Capital Calls and Distributions directly instead of the Total Contributed and Distributed from the Capital Account



  • Fund & Client Communication Recipient Mass Delete feature added

  • All contacts that are Portal Admins will be excluded from Client Communications

  • Added a “Send Emails by Contact” button that does not include other contacts in that vehicle in the To: field, but sends to each contact individually

    • “Send Emails by Contact” button also allows using Contact & Recipient merge fields

  • Can select or deselect the following options for attaching a PDF Statements to Fund Communications or uploading the LP Portal:

    • Attach PDF to Email

    • Upload PDF to LP Portal tab that corresponds to the communication type

    • Upload PDF to LP Portal's documents tab

  • New Sending From field to send communications using an alternate email address and sender name

    • Requires set up by support 

  • Fund Communication generated PDF documents can be uploaded to the LP Portal without actually sending a communication  

  • “Merge Field Insert” tool added to Email Editor 

  • New “Template Manager” added to Email Editor

    • All related documents will now obey the custom file name 

  • Expanded support for Merge Fields for more objects and fields, eliminating the need for support to add custom merge fields in most cases

  • Upgraded WYSIWYG Editor to the newest version adding new features (adding: links, colors, images)  including support for a basic editor and an advanced editor  

    • Better resolutions for pasted in communications 

  • Pictures can be added into a communication if it is already added into Salesforce

  • Preview PDF and Preview Body now support all possible merge fields

    • The preview is within a browser window

  • Can send email as test tools and no longer need to add yourself to Communication to test emails

    • Can send the test email with any email address

  • Improvements to Mass Download of Fund Communication documents to support larger communications 

  • Mass Download:  Emailed PDF Files now support the Custom Filename in Fund Communications

  • Lightning files attachments no longer send as a duplicate in Fund and Client Communication

  • Wires Instruction Communication: added warning for user to validate that the Wire Details tab has been enabled on the LP Portal before sending a Wire Instructions email

  • Wires Instruction Communication: Error Message will display if Wire Instruction URL is missing or does not match the Wire Instruction URL format

  • Warning Message will display if the Fund Communication Subject or Body is blank

  • Error will display on Button: “Send Emails by Investment Vehicle” if the communication contains merge fields for “Send Emails by Contact” {!Contact} or {!aduro__Recipient__c}

  • Added simple Fund Communication Approval Fields: “Approver Name” & “Approval Date”

    • When Capital Call Approval is enabled by support these fields must be populated before sending

  • Recipient Related To ID is now a required field for Fund Communication Recipients



  • Can Recalculate Valuation Snapshots for all Round Details in the organization in addition to recalculating for a single Round Detail

  • Gross IRR added to Company Summary 

  • Fixed Valuation’s Percent of Cost so that it shows zero or null if the calculation has a zero for the denominator Amount Invested or Cost instead of an error

  • Transaction Percent of Cost on Valuation can support larger percentage sizes to avoid errors

  • Transaction Record Type page layouts and Record Type descriptions improved

  • Round Detail Date can not be in the month After the oldest transaction date


LP Portal

  • Admin: Can now export Document Activity data as a .CSV

  • Admin: Org Settings tab added for Admins to customize what is displayed

    • Can turn on and off tabs based on client needs

  • Custom Legal Agreement added

  • 2-Factor Authentication via text message is available

  • Documents Tab now has Document Type folders

  • Fundraising “Action” button added to Fundraising tab

    • URL and the displaying text are customizable

  • The fundraising Tab is automatically hidden if no there is no fundraising data

  • All tabs are now hidden if the LP user does not have access even if enabled for the organization


Validation Rules

The validation rules help to strengthen the data to make the portal more stable

  • Account: New Group Name field that will populate in the Unique Name field when data is entered

    • This allows for duplicates of the same vehicle with a unique identifier

  • Contact: Checks for Duplicate email addresses across contacts on creating and modify

  • Contact: Validates that Portal Fields are left empty on the creation of Contact

  • Contact Role: (Must Contain Contact, Vehicle, 1 Role) & no Duplicate Contact Roles

  • Contact Role: Duplicate Role =  Vehicle and Contact are duplicated

    • All Roles must have a unique Vehicle and Contact Combination

  • Commitments: Capital Commitment field can not be empty

    • The field can have $0.00 or even a negative entry, but the field cannot be blank

  • Communication: Communication email attachments are no longer ordered randomly and the sort order is fixed to be: Generated PDF first (if one is created) then each additional attachment in alphabetic order

    • Note: Some email clients still re-order the files out of our control

  • Fund Communication: "Attachment Validation Rule” email attachment gives warning if an excel file is attached

    • CSV files and PDFs are allowed

    • Protects proprietary Aduro processes

  • Documents: Deleting a document attachment will generate an error message requiring you to delete the Document containing the attachment

  • Transactions: All Transactions require Transaction Date, Fund, and Round fields to be completed

Minor Bug Fixes & Updates

  • Updated all Custom Report types to include newly added and other fields that were previously not available to be added to a report

  • New Backup System backs up each client org nightly 

    • Contact Support if you have a data issue where you need to restore data changed or lost from a previous day

  • Added new “Update Status“ and “Updated On” fields to the Fund

    • The new fields are used to verify when a re-calculation or creation of a new set of objects is currently “In Progress”

    • Check these fields to validate that all recent changes have completed processing

  • Removed Capital Calls/Distributions that were erroneously being included in Capital Accounts calculations when the Date on the Capital Call or Distribution falls on the last day of the Capital Account’s previous As of Date.

  • Added a Distributions report like the Capital Call report to the package

  • Fixed IRR Calculator on Fund and Company Summary to work in Lightning

  • Fixed Issue with not getting ID Synced back when sending a large number of capital Calls to Xero

    • Look into batching in 100-200 chunks or solve for up to 1500-3000 per event

  • Updated IRR Snapshot Jobs & Fund Metrics To Run Nightly

  • Fixed the scrolling issues with the tab menu on mobile view on desktop

  • When Contact is deleted, Recipient is also deleted if Recipient has no Contact

    • No longer causes an error when sending a Communication with a broken Recipient

  • Fixed Error triggered when attempting to delete a Contact or Contact Role that is being used in an Investment Vehicle’s “Last Wire Instruction Updated By” field

    • This field must have a value and when you delete the contact referenced in this field it attempts to clear a required field generating an error

    • The deleted contact is now replaced with the admin contact

  • Set External Id if null on objects with External Id making it easier to import with Dataloader

  • Added Incentive Allocation Field to Capital Accounts


LP Portal Bug Fixes & Updates

  • Improved deliverability of LP Portal Password reset email by adding language to the Password Reset Confirmation message, updating the verbiage on the password reset emails, and improved our email sender settings to ensure FundPanel is seen as a trusted sender

  • Increased the limit of Users that can be displayed on the “Portal Users” Tab to be > 1,000.  

  • Resolved URL issues for linking to LP Portal Tabs or items in a Tab 

    • Individual Document Linking not yet supported

  • "Download Emailed PDF" language changed to "Download PDF Statement"

  • Fixed the “Print” button in Capital Accounts to allow for Chrome download

  • In LP Portal Fixed Typos: Incomes & Expense, Fair Value desc Filter

  • Document Activity: Fixed On Load if Error && Success but, No results

    • DO NOT RETRY if you get 400 with a message containing "No Activities were found"

  • Mobile View: Fixed the missing Vehicle menu for mobile combine view