The following features and improvements are now live in FundPanel:
Investor Portal Update
- Overview tab updated to pull in correct data for LPs with a transferred commitment
Improvements to Communications
- Improved Add/Remove recipient window on Fund and Client Communication Wizards
- Fund communication email to be sent when communications finish sending or fail to send
- New Fund Communication Validation Checks
- Error message preventing another email send if one is still in progress
- Warning if there is an issue with an Investor Portal link
- Warning if there existing contacts who have bounced in previous communications
- Improved interface for viewing and updating bounced emails
- Warning if there has been al send failure within the hour prior to sending the current communication
- Option to select an alternate email address to send from added to Client Communications
Investor Relations Updates
- Improved UI for Capital Call, Distribution, and Capital Account wizards
- When using the Capital Call, Distribution, and Capital Account wizards, you can now export the template that containes the values allocated by the wizards in addition to pulling a template with column headers and Investment Vehicles only.
- New logic implemented to only display one copy of a Fund wide document for a contact regardless of how many LPs they have Contact Roles assigned for
- Added ability to edit or create custom Contact Roles in the Contact Role list view
- Added ability to edit or create custom Document types and Fundraising types to the Document list view
- Ability to now use Commitment Unique ID in place of Investment Vehicle when creating Xero invoices and bills
Portfolio Updates
- Improvements to SOI to optimize experience for large Funds and Fund Families
- New Round Detail names can now be created on the Round Detail itself
- Subject to SB54 Reporting checkbox added to the on Company Summary
- The Fund detail will pull through a Subject to SB54 Reporting tag if they have a transaction in any company summary where the Subject to SB54 Reporting box is checked.