Portfolio Transaction Load Guide

Modified on Wed, 19 May 2021 at 02:05 PM

This guide will walk you through how to set up your Transaction excel sheet, how to use the Data Loader to upload the data from excel into Salesforce.

Transaction In Excel

  • IMPORTANT: Upon successfully inserting the Round Details, you were provided with the success file. This success file can be used as the Transaction template (since it already contains the Round Detail Id). 

  • The columns represent the Salesforce fields in the Transaction object.

  • Match the data in the excel sheet provided by your client to your Transaction excel sheet. Keep in mind, the typical fields in the Data Loader Transaction field mapping are the Transaction Record Type ID, Fund ID, Round Detail ID, Transaction Date, Cost and Shares column. Additional fields can be added accordingly.
  • Match the values in the Date of initial investment column from the Round Detail excel sheet to the values in the Transaction Date column.
  • Save the excel sheet in CSV format.

How to locate the Fund ID

  • Search the Fund name in your client's Salesforce Org.

  • Click into the Fund record.

  • Copy the Fund ID located in the URL.

  • Paste the Fund ID into the Fund ID column in excel.

How to locate the Transaction Record Type ID

  • Navigate to your Salesforce Setup.

  • Type 'Object' in the quickfind.

  • Click Objects.

  • Click Transaction.

  • Click the appropriate Record Type under Record Type.

  • Copy the Transaction Record Type ID located in the URL.

  • Paste the Transaction Record Type ID into the Round Detail Record Type ID column in excel.


How to format the Transaction Cost and Transaction Shares column in Excel

Make sure the values in the Cost and Shares does not contain any commas. Otherwise, the formatting may cause unsuccessful loading when using the Data Loader.

  • Right click on both Cost and Shares column.

  • Click Format Cells.

  • Select General under the Number tab.

  • Click Okay.

Use Data Loader to import Transaction into Salesforce

  • Navigate to the Data Loader.

  • Click Insert.

  • Select OAuth and Production Environment.

  • Click Login.

  • Sign into your Salesforce Org and click Allow.

  • Click Next.

  • Select Transaction (aduro_Transaction_c) under Salesforce object.

  • Select your CSV file to upload.

  • Click Next.

  • Use the provided Transaction field mapping template to map the typical Transaction fields in the Data Loader. If you have additional fields in your excel sheet, make sure to map those fields as well. For fields mapping reference, refer to the snapshot of the excel sheet above.
  • Choose the location to save your uploaded file and click Finish.

  • After the Insert is complete, you will be able to view the loading results. Click View Successes. Click Open in External Program.

  • You are now provided with the Salesforce Transaction Record ID. This Transaction Record ID field will refer to the Transaction records in your client's Salesforce Org.

You have completed the steps to successfully import Transaction records into Salesforce!