This guide will walk you through how to set up your Round Detail excel sheet, how to use the Data Loader to upload the data from excel into FundPanel.
Round Detail In Excel
Create an excel sheet or use the Record Detail loading template provided below.
The columns represent the Salesforce fields in the Round Detail object.
- Match the data in the excel sheet provided by your client to your Round Detail excel sheet. Keep in mind, the typical fields in the Data Loader Round Detail field mapping are the Company Summary ID, Date of initial Investment, Round Detail Record Type ID and Round Field column. Additional fields can be added accordingly.
- Make sure to match the exact values in the Round Field column.
- Save the excel sheet in CSV format.
Please note: If there are multiple funds for the client, there should still be one excel for company list.
How to match the Round Detail's Round Field
Refer to the Round field values in your client's FundPanel Org when matching the Round field values in the excel sheet provided by your client with your Round Detail excel sheet. For example, if the Round field value in your client's excel sheet is Series A but the Round field value in your client's FundPanel Org is Series A Preferred then you will input Series A Preferred in your Round Detail excel sheet.
Please note: the Round Field value determines the record type for the Round Detail record.
To create new Round field values
Make sure to create new Round field values in your client's FundPanel Org if the Round field values exist in your excel sheet but not in your client's FundPanel Org.
Please note: It is very important to perform this step before using the Data Loader.
Navigate to Setup.
Type 'Object' in the quickfind.
Click Object.
Click Round Detail.
Click Round picklist field.
Click New under Values section.
Enter the new Round values that exist in your excel sheet but not in your client's FundPanel org. Choose the appropriate Record Type to associate the new values with. For example: If the new values contain the word "Series" then associate the values with the Equity record type.
How to locate the Round Detail Record Type ID
The Round Field will determine the record type for the Round Detail record. Choose the record type id for Equity if the Round field contains any Series (ex: Series A preferred, Series B preferred, etc.). Choose the record type id for Convertible Security if the Round field contains Convertible Promissory Note.
Navigate to Setup.
Type 'Object' in the quickfind.
Click Objects.
Click Round Detail.
Click Equity or Convertible Security under Record Type.
Copy the Round Detail Record Type ID located in the URL.
Paste the Round Detail Record Type ID into the Round Detail Record Type ID column in excel.
Use Data Loader to import Round Detail into FundPanel
Navigate to the Data Loader.
Click Insert.
Select OAuth and Production Environment.
Click Login.
Sign into your FundPanel Org and click Allow.
Click Next.
Select Round Detail (aduro_Round_Detail_c) under Salesforce object.
Select your CSV file to upload.
Click Next.
Use the provided Round Detail field mapping template to map the typical Round Detail fields in the Data Loader. If you have additional fields in your excel sheet, make sure to map those fields as well. For fields mapping reference, refer to the snapshot of the excel sheet above.
Choose the location to save your uploaded file and click Finish.
After the Insert is complete, you will be able to view the loading results. Click View Successes. Click Open in External Program.
IMPORTANT: You will use this successfully uploaded data sheet as your Transaction Load Template.
You have completed the steps to successfully import Round Detail records into Salesforce!