Portfolio Company Summary Load Guide

Modified on Fri, 30 Sep 2022 at 11:59 AM

This guide will walk you through how to set up your Company Summary excel sheet, how to use the Data Loader to upload the excel data into FundPanel.

Company Summary in Excel

  • Create a CSV sheet or use the Company Summary Loading template provided below.

  • The columns represent the FundPanel fields in the Company Summary Object.

  • Each rows represent a different Company Summary.

  • Match your data provided by your client to the Excel sheet. Keep in mind, the only typical field used in the Data Loader field mapping is the Company Summary Name column. Additional fields can be added accordingly.

  • Make sure the sheet is saved in CSV format.

Please note: If there are multiple funds for the client, there should still be one sheet for company list.

Use Data Loader to import Company Summary into FundPanel

  • Navigate to the Data Loader.

  • Click Insert.

  • Select OAuth and Production Environment.

  • Click Login.

  • Sign into your Salesforce Org and click Allow.

  • Click Next.

  • Select Company Summary (aduro_Company_Summary_c) under Salesforce object.

  • Select your CSV file to upload.

  • Click Next.

  • Map your columns to the Company Summary fields accordingly. 

  • For fields mapping reference, refer to the snapshot above or use the Company Summary Mapping provided below.

  • Choose the location to save your uploaded file and click Finish.

  • After the import is complete, you will be able to view the loading results. Click View Successes. Click Open in External Program.

  • You are now provided with the FundPanel Company Summary Record ID. This Company Summary Record ID field will be referenced in the Record Detail load (via VLookUp).

You have completed the steps to successfully import Company Summary records into Salesforce!