How to Create and Edit Contacts in FundPanel

Modified on Fri, 30 Sep 2022 at 11:43 AM

There are two different contact record types, Investor Relations, and Portfolio. Investor Relations contact record type can be created under an Investor or Advisor account record types. Investor Relations contact can be linked to Investment Vehicles via Contact Roles. On the other hand, Portfolio contact record type can be created under a Company Summary object. Portfolio contact can be linked to Company Summaries via Contact Roles.

Adding Investor Relations Contacts Record Type

Before creating a Investor Relations contact, make sure that you have already created a Investor or Advisor account.

To create a new Investor or Advisor contact:

  • Click into the Investor Relations App.
  • Click Investor Relations Contacts Tab.
  • Click New Contact.
  • Select Contact - Investor Relations Contact Record Type.
  • Click Continue.

Fill out all required information, including Last Name, Account Type, Account Name, and Email. 

  1. Last Name - Use the full name of the contact here.  If it is a generic contact, for example, give the contact the name of Investor Reporting, not a person’s name
  2. Account Type - Select Investor or Advisor, depending on which is being set up.
  3. Account Name - This is a lookup field. You will use the Investor Account or Advisor Account already set up.  Make sure that if your contact is an Investor, you are linking it to an Investor Account, likewise for Advisors.
  4. Email - The email address for the contact. Note, this should be a unique email address that is not used elsewhere in the system.
  5. Click Save.
    Note: Please make sure the Portal Contact Enabled checkbox is left UNCHECKED.  If it is checked, it will cause issues later when requesting for portal access.

After creating the contact record, we will add Contact Roles to the contact record. Adding Contact Roles will allow the Investor Relations contact to be linked to an Investment Vehicle record.

In the Contact record:

  • Click New Contact Role under the Contact Roles related list. 
  • Select the Investment Vehicle account that the contact is related to. This is a lookup field, and will use the Investment Vehicle account already created.
  • Select the roles the contact needs and click the Arrow icon to add them as Contact Roles.
  • Click Save.

When correctly added, the roles added will now show in the Role field of the Contact Role record. If you navigate back to the Investor Relations contact record, the roles will also populate next to the related Investment Vehicle record in the Contact Roles related list.

Editing Investor Relations Contacts Record Type

To edit a Investor Relations contact that you have previously created:

  • Click into the Investor Relations App.
  • Click Investor Relations Contacts Tab.
  • Click Edit hyperlink next to the contact record you would like to edit.

This will bring you back to the same input screen used when creating the new Investor Relations contact. Here you can edit or update any of the contact information that have changed. 


To edit a Investor Relations contact Contact Roles that you have previously created:

In the Investor Relations Contact record:

  • Click Edit hyperlink next to the Investment Vehicle record under the Contact Roles related list. 

This will bring you back to the same input screen used when creating the new Contact Role. Here you can edit or update any of the Contact Role information that have changed.

Adding Portfolio Contacts Record Type

Before creating a Portfolio contact, make sure that you have already created a Company Summary record.

To create a new Portfolio contact:

  • Click into the Portfolio App.
  • Click Portfolio Contacts Tab.
  • Click New Contact.
  • Select Contact - Portfolio Contact Record Type.
  • Click Continue.

Fill out all required information, including Last Name, Account Type, Company Summary, and Email. 

  1. Last Name - Use the full name of the contact here.
  2. Account Type - Select Company Summary.
  3. Company Summary - This is a lookup field. You will use the Company Summary record already set up.
  4. Email - The email address for the contact.  Note, this should be a unique email address that is not used elsewhere in the system.

Click Save.


After creating the contact record, we will add Company Summary Contact Roles to the contact record. Adding Company Summary Contact Roles will allow the Portfolio Contact to be linked to a Company Summary record.

In the Contact record:

  • Click New Company Summary Contact Role under the Company Summary Contact Roles related list. 
  • Select the Company Summary record that the Portfolio contact is related to. This is a lookup field, and will use the Company Summary record already created.
  • Select the roles the contact needs and click the Arrow icon to add them as Contact Roles.
  • Click Save.


When correctly added, the roles added will now show in the Role field of the Company Summary Contact Role record. If you navigate back to the Portfolio contact record, the roles will also populate next to the related Company Summary record in the Company Summary Contact Roles related list.

Editing Portfolio Contacts Record Type

To edit a Portfolio contact that you have previously created:

  • Click into the Portfolio App.
  • Click Portfolio Contacts Tab.
  • Click Edit hyperlink next to the contact record you would like to edit.

This will bring you back to the same input screen used when creating the new Portfolio contact. Here you can edit or update any of the contact information that have changed. 


To edit a Portfolio contact Company Summary Contact Roles that you have previously created:

In the Portfolio Contact record:

  • Click Edit hyperlink next to the Company Summary record under the Company Summary Contact Roles related list. 

This will bring you back to the same input screen used when creating the new Company Summary Contact Role. Here you can edit or update any of the Company Summary Contact Role information that have changed.