Uploading Historical Capital Calls with Identical Capital Call Amounts & Dates Paid

Modified on Fri, 30 Sep 2022 at 11:46 AM

Historical Capital Call uploads can leverage FundPanel's existing template generation tools for the data preparation process. This article will walk through exporting templates from each Fund, which in turn can be filled out & imported back into the database to add any Capital Calls that did not originate from FundPanel.  

Please note that this article pertains to Capital Call uploads where the Capital Call Amounts & Dates Paid for each Capital Call are identical for every LP. There is a different process for Capital Calls with different information, outlined here: 

Uploading Historical Capital Calls with Different Capital Call Amounts & Dates Paid

Step 1. Generate the Historical Capital Call Upload Template

Each fund will require its own unique upload template containing its own commitments and investment vehicles, so it is recommended to do this on a per-fund basis. A template can be generated through following these steps:

  • Navigate to a particular Fund record.
  • Click Capital Call button.
  • Click Next.
  • Enter in any random value for Capital Call Amount and Due Date
  • Click 'Export Template'.

Now that you have your unique 'Historical Capital Call Template' for this particular Fund, you will need to make the follow edits in a spreadsheet program:

  • Add two columns: one for Paid Date and Amount Paid.
  • Create a copy of this tab (we recommend 5 tabs).
  • Each tab will represent a particular Capital Call Due Date for the Fund.

Step 2. Upload the Historical Capital Call Template per Due Date per Fund

Once the historical data is complete, we will start by uploading the oldest Capital Call (Due Date) first in Salesforce.

Before Salesforce can take this data, you will need to export each tab as its own individual CSV. At this time, it is also recommended to save another file per tab but this time without the Paid Date and Amount Paid columns. Ultimately, you will have two files: one will have the Paid Date and Amount Paid columns and the other file without). This is due to the fact that Salesforce cannot process the the file with the Paid Date and Amount Paid columns. 

Two CSV files needed Per Tab:

1. Without the Paid Date and Amount Paid columns (will be used for the data upload).

2. With the Paid Date and Amount Paid columns (will be used in step 3 of the data update).

  • Navigate to the particular Fund record
  • Click Capital Call button on the Fund record.
  • Click Next.
  • Enter 0 for Capital Call Amount.
  • Enter in the appropriate Due Date.
  • Click Next.

  • Click Choose Files.
  • Select the appropriate Historical Capital Call file (the CSV file without the Paid Date and Amount Paid columns) provided by the client.
  • Click Process CSV.
  • Click Confirm & Save.

Step 3. Updating Capital Call Paid Date & Amount Paid per Due Date Per Fund

Mass Updating the Capital Call Records to Include Payment Information

  • Navigate to the newly created Parent Capital Call record.
  • Select the checkbox next to Action.
  • Click Mark Selected as Paid.

  • Select the checkbox next to Action.
  • Click Mass Update.
  • Select Date Paid (aduro_DatePaid__c).
  • Click Next.
  • Enter the appropriate Date Paid value.
  • Click Next.

Once the Date Paid has been mass updated, your Historical Capital Call upload is now complete!