How to Create a Transaction Audit Report

Modified on Thu, 01 Dec 2022 at 04:33 PM

Running a Transaction Audit report can be helpful in identifying transaction discrepancies. To run a Transaction Audit Report:

  • Navigate to the Reports tab and click on New Report

  • Type "Transactions" into the search bar and select Company Summaries with Round Details and Transactions and click create.  

  • Clear out the Filters at the top of the Page for:
    Show: My company Summaries = All Company Summaries
    Range: Current FQ = All Time

  • To create a report for one Company Summary click Add under filters and type in the Company Summary Name. 

  • The columns for Comapny Summary Name, Round Detail Name, and Transaction name will autopopulate.  You will need to drag the following fields over from the window on the left into the report:
    • From the Round Details folder:
      • Round 
      • Record Type 
      • Date 

  • From Transactions folder:
    • Record Type
    • Date
    • Amount Invested
    • Shares Purchased
    • Amount Sold
    • Shares Sold
    • Proceeds

  • Click Run Report at the top and the report will generate.