Creating Investor Relations Contact, Investor/Advisor Account, and Investor Opportunity

Modified on Tue, 27 Mar 2018 at 02:18 PM

This guide will instruct you on how to create a Salesforce Investor Relations Contact, Investor/Advisor Account, and Investor Opportunity directly from Lightning for Gmail/Outlook. In doing so, you will also be linking the Investor Relations Contact and Investor Opportunity to an Investor/Advisor Account record.

Adding Investor Relations Contacts Record Type

Investor Relations contact record type can be created under an Investor or Advisor account record types.

Please note: In the process of creating an Investor Relations Contact, you will be able to create an Investor/Advisor Account and Investor Opportunity record along the way.

In Lightning for Gmail/Outlook side panel

  • Click the Add to Salesforce button.. 
  • Click New Contact - Investor Relations.

Next, find the Account record that you want to link this Contact record to by typing out the Account name in the search field under Account Name field and clicking on that Account record. If you can not find the Account record, you can also create a new Investor or Advisor Account record.

Creating Investor or Advisor Account Record Types

Investor accounts are a means to group together multiple Investment Vehicles that are controlled by the same Investors. Advisor is an account type for those contacts that are related to multiple Investors but represent a third party, like a tax consultant.

In the Contact Creation Page

  • Click + New Account.
  • Select Investor or Advisor Account record type.
  • Click Next.

Complete the required fields as follows and click Save.

  •     Enter the Investor name in the Account Name field.
  •     Click Save.



You have successfully created an Investor Account record. Next, find the Investor Opportunity record that you want to link the newly created Investor Account record to by typing out the Investor Opportunity name in the search field under Investor Opportunity Name field and clicking on that Investor Opportunity record. If you can not find the Investor Opportunity record, you can also create a Investor Opportunity record.

Creating Investor Opportunity Record

FundPanel leverages Salesforce Investor Opportunities to help you keep track of your investor pipeline. Investor Opportunities are potential investors to be contacted when fundraising additional capital. 

FundPanel leverages the standard Salesforce Account (of the 'Investor' record type), meaning that an Investor Opportunity will relate to an Advisor/Investor Account record. The Investor Opportunity page layout offers a 'Fund Close' picklist for tracking the close number associated with that particular Opportunity. Please navigate to the Freshdesk Article here for more information about Investor Opportunity Deal Flow.


In the Contact Creation Page

  • Click + New Opportunity.
  • Select Investor Opportunities.
  • Click Next.

Fill out all required information, including Opportunity Name, Close Date, Account Name, and Stage. 

  1. Opportunity Name - Enter in the desired Opportunity name.
  2. Close Date - Select the expected Close Date for the Investor Opportunity until a decision is reached. The Close Date should never be in the past if the Opportunity is open, and it should never be in the future when the Opportunity is Won or Lost.
  3. Account Name - This is a lookup field. You will use the Investor Account already set up.  
  4. Stage - Select the appropriate stage. Each stage will auto populate with an estimated probability that the Opportunity will close. For more information about stages and probabilities please click on the Freshdesk Article here.

Click Save.

You have successfully created an Investor Opportunity record. Next, we will complete the process of creating the Contact record.

Fill out all required information, including Account Name, Last Name, Email, Account Type.

  1. Account Name - This is a lookup field. You will use the Investor Account or Advisor Account already set up.  
  2. Last Name - Use the full name of the contact here.  If it is a generic contact, for example, give the contact the name of Investor Reporting, not a person’s name
  3. Email - The email address for the contact. Note, this should be a unique email address that is not used elsewhere in the system.
  4. Account Type - This field is not visible on the Contact creation page layout but will auto populate to Investor or Advisor, depending on which account is being set up.

Click Save.