Investor and Investment Vehicle Records in Fundpanel

Modified on Mon, 26 Sep, 2022 at 12:10 PM

Investor Records

Investor records represent an Investor who invests into funds via Investment Vehicles. This is a 'Parent' Account in the database that groups together all of the underlying 'Investment Vehicle' and 'Contact' accounts associated with the Investor.

The Investor account does not show up externally - it is simply a way to internally organize/group together all of the related Contacts/Investment Vehicles.  You can name the Investor account whatever makes the most sense to your internal team. We typically recommend keeping the Investor name short (between 1-3 words). Also, try to avoid naming the Investor account exactly the same as the underlying Investment Vehicle account(s).

Investment Vehicle Records

The individual or entity investing into funds via capital commitments. This is a 'Child' Account to Investor accounts in the database, which allows for Investment Vehicles to be grouped underneath a single Investor Account.  The name of the Investment Vehicle should be the exact legal name that appears on Capital Call notices, K-1's, etc.

Recommended Naming Conventions

  • If the Investment Vehicle is an Individual, the Investor account would typically be the Individual's last name.  Ex:  Investment Vehicle = 'Avery Cannon' then Investor = 'Cannon'

  • If the Investment Vehicle is an Institution of some sort, the Investor account would typically be the name of the Institution.  Ex:  Investment Vehicle = 'LSU Foundation' then Investor = 'LSU'