How to Enable a Portal User

Modified on Wed, 17 May 2023 at 05:29 PM

This guide will provide instructions on how to enable a Portal User. If you have any questions on this process, please send us an email at


Contact Creation

IMPORTANT: During the process of creating a new contact in Salesforce, it is important to not modify any data outlined in the Portal Details section of the New Contact page (See screenshot below). If information in this section is manually modified, it can prevent the system from properly filling out these fields and the portal account will not be functional. 

If this section has been modified and the contact created, please disable the user completely, delete and recreate the contact before advancing to enable the contact as a portal user. For more details: Disabling Portal Users and Deleting Contacts

Enabling the Portal User

It is important to note that you can only enable a portal user if they are configured in Salesforce correctly. This means the contact must have the "Contact Record Type" of "Contact - Investor Relations". The contact must also have contact roles associating it to at least one Investment Vehicle. 

After ensuring the contact was created in Salesforce correctly, see below for an example of a contact record that is ready to be enabled on the investor portal, noting the highlighted portions of the contact's record type & contact roles: 

Once you have ensured the contact is configured correctly, you may start enabling the contact by following the process outlined below: 

  • Navigate to the Investor Relations app.
  • Click the Portal Users tab.
  • Select the checkbox that corresponds to the appropriate contact that you want to enable as a Portal user.
    • NOTE: Contacts will only appear under this tab if they have Contact Roles associating them with Investment Vehicles. If a contact is not appearing on the Portal Users tab, please check to ensure that it has at least one Contact Role relating it to an Investment Vehicle. 
  • Click Create Portal Users.
  • Refresh the browser, the contact's Request Status will update to 'Enable Completed' within 5 minutes as the system automates the process for sending out the Welcome Emails to the selected users.
  • You may also use the Resend Welcome E-mails button at any time to resend the welcome invitation at any time to the selected users.
  • If you encounter any issues at this point, please email FundPanel Support with your troubleshooting request, the affected Salesforce org and the list of affected users at

Please note: the contact's Portal username will be the contact's email address concatenated with either .ac or .fp. This is done for system purposes & has no impact on an investor's ability to log in using solely their email address.