FundPanel Investor Portal Walkthrough

Modified on Thu, 18 May 2023 at 06:48 AM


PLEASE NOTE: FundPanel's Investor Portal allows you to view all of your investment information & related documents in one centralized location. Prior to accessing the portal, your fund administrators will send an email containing all instructions for accessing and logging into the portal. This guide will provide a quick overview on navigating the portal after logging in.

Some tabs that are covered in this walkthrough may not be visible. If you have any questions about a tab that is not visible from your account, please reach out to your fund administration team or our support team at

Logging In

  • K-1 Consent 
    • The FundPanel investor portal allows users to access all of their investment information under a single login. However, each organization's investor portal will require you to agree to a unique K-1 Consent Form.

  • SLA Agreement 
    • Next you will be prompted to agree to a Software License Agreement. Once you have reviewed the agreement, check the checkbox and proceed to the next page. Moving past these initial login screens will take you to home page of your investor portal.

Opening Dashboard 

FundPanel supports having multiple organizations combined under one seamless login experience. The dashboard displays any organization for which a user has an active investor portal account. If your account only has one FundPanel organization, this section will not show and you will be taken directly to your organization upon logging in. In this case, please see the next section called "Funds" as this will be your default page upon logging in. 

An organization may be selected by clicking the appropriate logo box belonging to the organization. To return to this dashboard at anytime, you may select the "Home" button located at the top-right of your screen. 

Missing information: If you believe you should have access to an organization that is not visible on your dashboard, please reach out to our support team at 


Once you click into an organization from the FundPanel opening dashboard, you will land in the Overview Tab.  The Overview Tab displays summary information across every entity you are invested in.  You can also filter by individual Fund or a sub set of Funds.   

The Overview Tab presents the following metrics across your selection:

  • Total Commitments
  • Total Called
  • Total Distributions 
  • Current Value
  • Estimated TVPI 

Additionally, the Overview Tab features the following:

  • % of Total Commited Capital: a chart breaking down your Commitment percentage across every entity under the organization
  • Combined Fund Perfomance: this graph displays the Total Value, Total Capital Called, and Estimated TVPI over time  


  • Each fund related to that organization will appear in the center of your screen.
  • To narrow the search, multiple filters can be applied by ticking the checkboxes located on the left side-menu.  These filters can be cleared at any time by using the 'Clear' button.
  • Selecting each fund from the center of your screen will display relevant fund information in the side-menu on the right.
  • Wire instructions for the Fund will be displayed on the bottom righthand of the screen, be sure the correct Fund is selected to view the corresponding wire details.

Capital Commitments 

  • The Capital Commitments tab displays any associated commitments to your account by investment vehicle and fund name, which can also be filtered using the left side-menu. Selecting a commitment will display relevant data in the side-menu on the right.

  • Data can be sorted by selecting a column header within each tab. 
  • e.g. clicking the 'Capital Commitment' header within the "Capital Commitments" tab will sort by ascending commitments (an arrow will appear pointing upwards), while pressing it again will sort by descending commitments (the arrow will reverse direction and as seen in 

If you believe there is missing investment data or documentation that is not visible on the Investment Vehicle, please reach out to our support team at

Capital Calls 

  • The Capital Calls tab displays any associated capital calls and may be filtered by investment vehicle, fund or payment status.
  • Selecting a capital call will display relevant data in the side-menu on the right side of the screen. 
  • Multiple filters can be applied by checking multiple boxes, and these filters can be cleared at any time by using the 'Clear' button.


  • The Distributions tab displays any associated distributions to your account and may be filtered by investment vehicle and fund name.
  • Selecting a distribution will display relevant data in the side-menu on the right side of your screen.
  • Multiple filters can be applied by checking multiple boxes, and these filters can be cleared at any time by using the 'Clear' button.

Capital Accounts 

  • The Capital Accounts tab displays any associated capital accounts to your account and may be filtered by investment vehicle and fund name.
  • Multiple filters can be applied by checking multiple boxes, and these filters can be cleared at any time by using the 'Clear' button.
  • Selecting a capital account will display relevant data in the side-menu on the right side of your screen.
    • If the email address associated with your FundPanel account has been emailed the PDF for the corresponding capital account, the "Download PDF Statement" button will appear in this side-menu.
    • If you have not been sent the PDF via email, a "Print" button will appear instead. You may still save the PDF by Clicking "Print" > "Print" > "Save" (ensure "Destination" field is set to "Save as PDF").

Wire Details

  • All Wire Instruction updates should be done directly from the investor portal via the Wire Details tab. 
  • To confirm or update Wire Instructions, populate the required fields and click "Submit".
  • When wire details are confirmed or updated, the Wire Details page will be updated to show who last submitted the wire instructions and when.
  • Submitting wire instructions will trigger an email to the service team and they will confirm the update is correct.  

If you have been instructed to update your wire instructions and do not have access to the Wire Details tab, please reach out to our support team at


  • The Portfolio tab displays a schedule of investments across one or more funds. The "As of date" can be modified on the "Filters" column.  


  • The Documents tab displays all documents uploaded to the portal by the fund management team. 
  • Documents are categorized into the following folders:
    • General, Cash Distribution, Stock Distribution, Financial, Capital Call and Tax
    • Multiple filters, such as filtering by "Investment Vehicle" or "Fund", can be applied by checking multiple boxes. These filters can be cleared at any time by using the 'Clear' button.

  • When opening a folder, you will see the folder directory (outlined in red box) and may use this to navigate back to the Documents view. 
  • Opening a folder will display the relevant document type (Tax documents shown below). 


  • PDF documents can be previewed and downloaded, non-PDF documents can be downloaded only. 

  • Selecting Preview next to a PDF docucment will open the Document Preview Window. Here you can maginify the document, search within the document, download the document, or print the document.
  • To return to the Investor Portal from the previewer, select Close


  • The Fundraising tab displays any documents uploaded for the purposes of fundraising for the LP. A Subscribe Now button is also available, which provides a convenient way for LPs to subscribe to the fund via a third-party subscription management service.