Analytics Dashboard Walkthrough

Modified on Thu, 23 Feb, 2023 at 1:32 PM



The Aduro FundPanel Analytics Dashboard is an analytics dashboard that provides FundPanel software clients & Aduro fund administration clients with over-time reporting of key Fund, Portfolio Company, and Limited Partner information along with frequently requested metrics. This dashboard is pre-configured for FundPanel users and, once a system has sufficient data, access may be provided upon request to the support team at

Accessing the Dashboard

Guided Demonstration for Accessing the Analytics Dashboard

The Analytics Studio is another application within FundPanel, like Investor Relations or Portfolio. You can toggle to the application using the app selector, in Lightning or Classic mode, as shown below.

After selecting the application, on the Home page of the analytics studio, you will see your dashboard in the ‘Recent Dashboards’ section. Clicking on this will take you to the dashboard.

You can also type "Dashboard" into the search bar:


The dashboard is organized into three major objects: Funds, Investments, and Investors. Each object has an overview tab and a detail tab. The overview tabs allow you to see all records for that component, but also filter for individual records. The detail tabs allow you to select a single record for that object and provide more detailed charts and tables for that record.

Sharing and Exporting

At the top right of the dashboard, there are options to (from left to right) Edit, Present, Share, Set Notifications, and More Options. Generally, only present and share should be used. The Share button will share the entire tab selected. The user can download the entire tab as an image.

Individual widgets can also be shared by hovering over the top right of the widget and selecting "Share".

Individual widgets can be downloaded as an image, into excel, or as a .csv.   

Widget Descriptions

Funds Tab

Total Capital Deployed is a cumulative amount of the field ‘Amount Invested’ from the Transaction level. Note this is different than current cost, wherein current cost becomes zero upon a realization. This widget will display as of the most recent transaction for any fund (unless the Fund filter is set differently).

Total Value is a cumulative amount of the fields ‘Fair Value’ from Valuation Snapshot and ‘Proceeds’ from Transaction. This widget will always display as of the current month because valuation snapshots are always generated through the current month.

Combined metrics show the two values described above, Total Value and Capital Deployed, over time, as compared to MOIC. MOIC is the quotient of these two values (Total Value / Capital Deployed).

See section on Fund Metrics and IRR for source data description

Generally, the statistics shown here can be directly tied back to the Fund page (or a sum of multiple fund pages) in Investor Relations. The only indirect statistic is Investable Capital which is Committed Capital – Capital Called (and Paid) + Bank Balance. If your fund is not linked to Xero, this column, along with the Cash Balance column, will not present properly.

The purpose of the Current Fund Metrics Stacked column chart is to present total commitments broken out into its significant components: remaining commitments, cash balance, expenses, and investments. This chart will not present properly if your fund is not linked to Xero. Total Invested, Cash Balance, and Capital Commitment remaining can be tied directly back to the fund page. Expenses is strictly an estimation and is derived by taking: 

Total Called - Amount Invested - Bank Balance + Over/Under Paid - Total Value of Investments + Fair Value of Investments + Total Distributions, which put more simply, is the amount called not invested or sitting in the bank, where the bank balance is reduced by undistributed proceeds.

The Fund ownership map breaks down ownership in underlying portfolio companies by fund. The ownership metrics are coming from the Transaction level, where the transaction level shares are grouped by portfolio company, divided by fully diluted shares from the Capitalization object, then grouped by Company Summary.

Fund Details Tab

No new metrics are shown in the Fund Details tab. Note that in this tab, Gross and Net IRR are presented in the same chart, and TVPI and DPI are presented in the same chart. The main difference of this tab is it is displaying for a single fund, whereas the 'Funds' tab can be filtered for multiple funds

Investments Tab

The investments tab shows a Schedule of Investments, combined with elements of realization (Proceeds and Realized Gain/Loss), across Funds. This tab is Fund filterable, Date filterable (by Month), and Investment (“Company Summary). Fair Value and the date filterability generally come from the Valuation Snapshot object. Proceeds, Shares, and Cost (the Cost column in the SOI is the Amount Invested not the current cost) of the Investments Tab on the Analytics Dashboard come from the Transaction object.

The summary table at the top of the page generally summarizes the values in the table. Cost is Amounted Invested, not Current Cost.  % of Commitments Invested is Total Commitments / Amount Invested (not Current Cost).

Investment Details Tab

The Investment Details Tab is a specific record selection, such that a single portfolio company is selected. Most of the metrics shown here will come directly from the Company Summary tab. Note that location is the Shipping State, Shipping Country.

See section on Fund Metrics and IRR for source data description.

Investors Tab

The Investors Tab is Fund filterable and Investor filterable. Note that this tab is not Investment Vehicle filterable. Filter functionality intentionally uses the Investor object (the parent account of Investment Vehicle) so that related vehicles may be displayed.

The commitments summary can be tied back to each individual commitment. Where an Investment Vehicle has multiple commitments across funds, those commitments are combined in this chart. For orgs with a significant number of partners, this chart will have a scroll bar to scroll to the right.

The Contacts by Fund table is grouped by Vehicle then by Fund, showing Contact Name, Email, and whether recent communications with the contact have bounced.

Investor Details Tab

This tab is a selection of a single record, Investor. As with the filter on the Investors tab, the record selection uses the Investor object to show all commitments of Investment Vehicles under a related parent.