Analytics Dashboard Access
How do I turn on the Analytics Dashboard?
The Dashboard is turned on by default for all Aduro service team users.
How do I turn on the Analytics Dashboard for my clients?
When the Dashboard is ready to be turned on for the client, create a support ticket and include the client’s desired login credentials. The client will login through, but will have access restricted to only view the FundPanel Analytics Studio.
What if my client already has a Salesforce account?
If a client already has their email address associated with a Salesforce account, they must use a different email to login for the Dashboard. They can still have their primary email connected with their FundPanel account, but the actual username must be a different email address from their other Salesforce instance.
How many logins can clients have for the Dashboard?
Clients should be encouraged to share one login. If there is a request for an additional license contact support and we can provide pricing for additional licenses.
How do I access the Analytics Dashboard inside FundPanel?
In Classic mode, use the dropdown menu at the top right of the screen and select Analytics Studio. In Lightning mode, use the App Switcher (the square made up of nine dots) at the top left and select Analytics Studio. Once inside FundPanel Analytics Studio use the search bar to search “Dashboard” to the Analytics Dashboard App. If you have already opened the dashboard, you can click on the Analytics Dashboard App under “Jump Back In” in the “For You” section. For more information visit Accessing the Dashboard.
Using the Dashboard
How do I update the Analytics Dashboard?
When an update for the Dashboard is available, you will manually update the Dashboard from the Apps section of Analytics Studio. For detailed instructions on updating the Dashboard visit Updating the Analytics Dashboard.
Can I make customizations to the Dashboard?
There is an Edit button where you can make simple customizations to the items in the dashboard. Available customizations are: resizing font, changing color themes, resizing widgets, and deleting widgets. Before making any customizations you should create a clone of the Dashboard in case you want to revert to the original dashboard.
Can I hide or remove a widget on the Dashboard?
If there is a metric or graph you do not want displayed on the Dashboard, you can delete it. Click on edit, select the widget you want to delete and click on the trash can icon to delete the widget.
Analytics Dashboard Data
What must be input into FundPanel in order for the Dashboard to work?
All historical Fund and Portfolio information for the organization must be up to date and accurate in FundPanel.
When does the data in the Dashboard refresh?
The Analytics Dashboard App refreshes hourly.
How do I verify the information in the Dashboard is correct?
The following tie-outs for the Fund Details tab should be performed for each Fund and SPV before giving clients access to the Dashboard:
Total Capital Deployed
Total Value
Fund Metrics and IRR
Total Capital Called
Total Capital Committed
Available to Call
Over/Under Paid
Gross IRR
The Analytics Dashboard Tie Out template attached at the bottom of the page can be used to organize the tie outs.
What can cause discrepancies between Net IRR in my financial workbooks and FundPanel?
In order for Net IRR to calculate correctly capital accounts must be created for the quarter you are reconciling.
The dates for both capital calls and distributions must be handled the same way in FundPanel and in your financial workbooks.
What can cause discrepancies between Gross IRR in my financial workbooks and FundPanel?
How conversions are entered into FundPanel will affect Gross IRR. It is possible that historically conversions may have been entered correctly for SOI purposes and incorrectly for the purpose of calculating metrics, so the conversion is not netting out like it should in the system. FundPanel treats any negative amount invested as a cash inflow (proceeds).
Incorrectly recorded stock proceeds can also affect Gross IRR. When the cost basis of the original stock is rolled into the new stock, FundPanel will count the cost basis twice if the disposal is not entered correctly. The disposal must be entered as a negative amount invested instead of an amount sold. Cash proceeds must be broken down into its own transaction, FundPanel will not tie out correctly if cash proceeds are included in the original disposal transaction.
Do IRR calculations on the Dashboard include GP commitments?
Net IRR is calculated using only LP information. Gross IRR is Fund wide information and includes GP commitments.
How is Capitalized Interest treated in the IRR calculations?
Capitalized Interest is not included in the Fund or Company Gross IRR calculations or in the MOIC calculation.