Removing Wire Instructions from Fund Communications

Modified on Sun, 12 Mar 2023 at 11:09 PM

  • Purpose: This purpose of this article is to walk through the process of eliminating wire instructions from your Capital Call Communication Templates and adding instructions on accessing the Fund’s wire instructions on the Investor Portal.


Navigating to the Email Template Manager

The first step to removing the wire instructions from the default Capital Call PDF attachment is navigating to the Email Template Manager from the FundPanel tabs ribbon.

  • Click on the "+" icon on the tab ribbon to open "All Tabs" (from Investor Relations or Portfolio).

  • Scroll down on the All Tabs page.

  • Click on the Email Template Manager hyperlink.

  • The Email Template Manager will open.

Accessing the Default Template Editor 

Once you have navigated to the Email Template Manager, you need to open the Default Template Editor. 

  • Select the hyperlink View Email Template in the Capital Call Row of the Update Default Email Templates section. The default template is already populated in the Default Email Template Name column.

  • Click OK on the warning message, this message will remind you to save any changes you make in the template manager.

  • Now you are in the Manage Backend Fund Communication Email Templates window and are ready to edit your default template.

Removing the Wire Instructions from the Template 

Once you are in the Manage Backend Fund Communication Email Templates window for the default Capital Call template you can remove the wire instructions for that template.   

Note: You will be editing the PDF Attachment source code. If your source code looks different or you are having difficulty editing the template, contact support to remove the wire instructions for you.  

  • Scroll down the PDF Attachment section, and click <> to open the source code

  • In the Source Code window scroll down and find the beginning line of code for Wire Instructions.

  • Select the code starting from <tr> above the first Wire Instructions line through </tr> below the last line of the Wire Instruction code.


  • Delete the selected text then delete the space between </tr>and </tbody>.

  • Verify the resulting code is correct and Save.

  • Scroll back up to the top of the Manage Backend Fund Communication Email Templates window and click Save as New Email Template.  Make sure you save as New Email Template to preserve your original Capital Call template as a backup. 

  •  Name the new template Capital Call - No Wire Instructions, or chose a name to indicate this is the Capital Call template without the Fund's wire details included and click Confirm Save.

  • Once saved you will be returned to the Manage Backend Fund Communication Email Templates editor.   To continue editing the new template you created, or to set the new template as default click Back to return to Manage Back-End Email Templates.  

Updating the Email Body to Include Portal Link to Access Wire Instructions 

Now that wire instructions from the PDF notice have been removed, instructions for accessing the wire details from the Funds tab of the Investor Portal must be added into the email body

  • Navigate to the Manage Back End Email Templates page and select View/Edit All Email Templates.  

  • From the Email Templates dropdown, select the new capital call template you created that has the wire instructions removed.

  • To insert the direct link to the Capital Call object in the Investor Portal, click Edit Email Content from the Communication page
  • In the Edit Email Content window, click on Insert Portal Link

  • Select Link To Tab Item
  • Select Capital Calls from the dropdown list next to Link To
  • Copy the link or select Copy to Clipboard

  • Highlight the Text where you want to enter the link and select the Link icon 

  • Paste the Link into the box and click on the link icon again

  • Paste it into the Email Body. 

  • The Email Body is now updated with instructions for viewing the wire instructions. Click Save Template at the top or bottom of the screen.

Setting the New Capital Call Template with Wire Details Removed as Default

Once you have removed the Fund's wire details from the capital call template, and saved it as a new template, the new template must be set as the default template for Capital Call communications.

  • In the Manage Back-End Email Templates window, select the template you want to set as default in the dropdown under Default Email Template Name in the Capital Call row. 

  • Once the template populates click Save Default. 

  • A banner will appear at the top letting you know your update to default setting was successfully saved.

Sending a Test Communication

The first time sending out a Capital Call communication after updating your default template, it is crucial to send a test communication to verify the email body and PDF attachment are displaying correctly and the link to the portal works

Send a Test Communication (use the instructions for Sending a Test Communication if you have not yet used the Send Test Communication feature).  When you receive your test communication verify the following:

  1. The content in the email body is correct

2. The hyperlink to access the wire details on the Funds tab of the Investor Portal displays correctly

3. The link works and takes you to the Investor Portal (login with the admin account for your org to verify).

4. The PDF attachment has the correct content AND format

If there are any issues with the portal link or with the PDF formatting contact support! The original Capital Call Email template is saved. 

Removing Wire Instructions from Alternate Capital Calls

If you use more than one capital call template for your client, you can use the Email Template Manager to edit all of them, and remove the wire instructions from all of them. 

  • Navigate to the Email Template Manager and select View/Edit All Email Templates in the Manage Backend Email Templates section.

  • From the Email Template dropdown list, select the Capital Call template you want to edit.

Once you have selected the Email Template you want to edit, follow the steps for Removing the Wire Instructions from the Template and Updating the Email Body to Include Portal Link to View Wire Instructions above.