Creating and Sending a Fund Communication

Modified on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 at 05:12 PM

This article covers using the 'Create Fund Communication' button found on the Fund page. This is a more generalized communication type that does not generate custom PDFs for each Investment Vehicle. 

Note: A common use-case for this type of communication is to notify investors about K-1 availability on the Investor portal.

Creating the Communication

  • The first step in creating the fund communication is to navigate to the Fund record and clicking the 'Create Fund Communication' button, as shown below:

  • Next, you will be prompted with a drop-down where you can select the appropriate communication type from the list. This selection ensures that the communication is sent to any contacts associated with this Fund via that contact role. 

  • Once a role is selected, the page will update to reflect the 'Number of Recipients' and 'Number of Investment Vehicles' that are associated with that particular contact role. 

  • Once you have selected the correct communication type, press 'Confirm & Save'.

Example: If you wanted to send a notice to the contacts regarding K-1s, you would likely select the 'Tax' role. However, it is recommended that you review all contact roles in Salesforce to ensure that communications will be transmitted to the correct recipients.

Note: There will be another opportunity to spot check your communication prior to sending it, but the recipient and investment vehicle numbers are a good way to ball park whether or not this communication type will reach the right number of recipients.

  • With the communication saved, you will now be presented with the communication page. This will give you the opportunity to review your communication and make sure it has the correct details. 

Communication Record Overview

1. These fields on the left are useful for editing prior to sending the communication. The Subject, CC and BCC fields function the same as they would on an email client. To make changes to these fields, press 'Edit', make the needed changes, then press 'Save'.

2. In this button area, you will use the 'Edit Email Content' button to adjust the body of the email prior to being sent. Once you are ready to send your communication, use the 'Send Emails By Investment Vehicle' button.

3. Once your email has been sent, you will see these fields updated to reflect the date, denote the email has been sent, and show any errors that may have occurred during the sending process. If there is an error message shown in the 'Status', or if a message stays in 'Not sent' even after being sent, please reach out to to the support team for further assistance. 

Reviewing the Recipients

  • Before sending communications, it is recommended as a best practice to review the recipients to ensure that the correct recipients have been selected. To view the recipients, scroll down on the Fund page. 

  • It is important to note that Salesforce only displays a select number of recipients on this page. Press 'Go to List' at the bottom of the recipients list to see all the recipients for this communication.

Recipients List

Tip: If you need to adjust the email address for this particular communication, press 'Edit' next to the recipient and adjust the email address accordingly.

Sending the Communication

  • As mentioned previously, once your communication is ready to be sent, press the 'Send by Investment Vehicles' button. Once this is pressed, you will be navigated to the following screen:

  • Press 'Send' on this screen to send out the communication. This page will then notify you that the communication is sent. 
    • Note: On rare occasions, an error may be displayed on this page if the communication is unable to be sent - in these cases, please reach out to support if you are uncertain on how to proceed.

  • Now that the communication has been sent, you can return to the communication record to see the 'Sent' communication details. The 'Number of Successes' field value should align with the number of recipients on the communication. 

Note: If there are any failures in the 'Number Failed' field, double check that your recipients all have valid email addresses and that you Contact Roles are associated with valid Contacts. If there are no errors in the data and the issue persists, please contact support.