Creating and Sending a Distribution

Modified on Tue, 18 May, 2021 at 6:08 PM

Creating the Distribution Fund Communication

To generate and send a distribution, navigate to the Fund this distribution pertains to and press the "Distribution" button at the top of the screen:

1. The default is to include all commitments. Leave all Investment Vehicles checked if your fund has the same allocations for all Investment Vehicles, and the distribution will be allocated pro rata across all Investment Vehicles. If you have classified investor click Deselect All, and you can check just the Investment Vehicles you would like to include.

2. Click Next to view the distribution.

3. The input screen for the distribution accounts will open. Enter the following:

a. Distribution % - if the distribution is being done as a percentage of the commitments (usually a return of capital distribution), use this field, and the Distribution Amount will be automatically calculated.

b. Distribution Amount - if the distribution is being done as a dollar amount (usually as a result of an investment being sold), use this field and the Distribution % will be automatically calculated.

c. Cost Basis - Cost basis of the distribution. If the distribution is partially a return of capital, and partially a capital gain, you may need to do two separate distributions, or provide supplemental information to the Investment Vehicles.

d. Gain/Loss - The amount of gain/loss on the distribution. If it is a Loss, make sure to input this amount as a negative for it to show correctly on the statement.

e. Due Date - The date the distribution will be paid.

4. Click Next to review the distribution.

5. Tie out the calculated distributions to make sure they tie to your distribution schedule. Manually update any changes that need to be made, and click Confirm and Save to create the distributions.

6. Scroll to the Distributions section, and click on the distribution to view the distribution. As with the Capital Accounts, any edits to individual distributions may be made by clicking on the Distribution Name

Sending the Distribution

After you have created the Distribution, sending it is a second step. When all amounts are correct, click on Create Fund Communication to initiate the communication.

  • Click Confirm & Save.

7. Modify any email content and CC and BCC recipients following the same instructions in capital calls and click Send Emails By Investment Vehicle to send the distribution notice and any other documents you have attached.

On the Fund Communication record:

  • Click Edit Email Content.
  • Click Save Changes.
  • Click Return To Fund Communication.
  • Click Send Emails by Investment Vehicle.
  • Click Send.

  • After the communication has been sent, navigate back to Fund Communication record by pressing the "Return to Fund Communication" button.
  • The "Recipients" related list at the bottom of the communication page should now update to reflect the appropriate Sent and Date Sent values.