Recording Capital Call Payments (Via Xero & Manually)

Modified on Mon, 17 May, 2021 at 2:59 PM

Automatically Recording Payments with Xero

After an invoice has been reconciled in Xero, pressing the 'Sync Xero' button will automatically update the corresponding Capital Call record in FundPanel. 

The sync updates the following fields in FundPanel:

  • Paid 
  • Date Paid
  • Amount Paid

Manually Recording Payments

Payments can be recorded manually by performing the following steps in FundPanel:

  • Pressing 'Edit' on the Capital Call record
  • 'Mark Selected as Paid' button - 'Date Paid' gets populated with 'Due Date' and 'Amount Paid' gets populated with 'Amount Due', the 'Paid' check box gets checked off
    • To mark Capital Calls as selected, simply check the checkbox next to the Capital Call. Press the checkbox next to the 'Action' header column to check off all Capital Calls.

  • 'Mass Edit' button - this button is located to the right of 'Mark Selected As Paid' & allows the user to edit all three fields in bulk.