The following instructions will walk you through how to create capital calls in FundPanel. This function can be performed from any Fund page within the Investor Relations application.
Prior to creating a new Capital Call, ensure all payments & transfers are up-to-date in FundPanel so that the call is calculated correctly.
Navigate to the Fund
On the Investor Relations App:
- Click the Funds tab.
- Click into the specific Fund.
Creating the Capital Call
On the specific Fund record:
- Click Capital Call.
Select which capital commitments to be included (typically all accounts). However, if you are doing a call of only some Investment Vehicles (ex: if you have new LPs that are receiving a capital call that others already received), uncheck the ones that should not have capital called.
- Click Next.
The next screen will allow you to input the amount of the capital call. Typically we will call a percentage (i.e. 10%) but in some other cases, funds may call for a specific dollar amount and to specify what the called capital is being used for. Capital call amount will be automatically calculated based on the total commitments that have been entered in to Salesforce. If you change the Capital call amount, it will change the capital call % automatically as well.
The Due Date is typically driven by the language found in the LPA - i.e. 10 business days.
Fill in the information on this screen accordingly.
- Click Next.
The following screen will allow you to review the capital call amounts for each investment vehicle. This is your final check to ensure that the amounts calculated are correct, and that all investment vehicles that should have been included have been.
- Click Confirm & Save.
In rare cases, capital call amounts may not be allocated pro rata among capital commitments. Provided below are two solutions to resolve this issue:
1. Make the appropriate adjustments to the capital call amounts on the screen.
- Click Confirm & Save.
2. Export and Re-import CSV File.
- Click Export Template.
- Open the recently downloaded CSV file.
- Make the appropriate adjustments to the capital call amount column.
- Save as CSV file.
- Click Choose File back on the screen in Salesforce.
- Select the Capital Call file you have just made edits to and saved.
- Click Process CSV. (this will refresh the screen with the updated capital call amounts)
- Click Confirm & Save.
The next screen will show if it was successful and a button to return to the fund record.