Managing Investor Portal Documents

Modified on Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 10:49 AM


Managing Portal Documents

Once uploaded, Portal Documents are most easily managed via FundPanel's portal document reports. FundPanel by default installs two reports: 

  • Commitment Portal Documents
  • Fund Portal Documents

  • These reports can be located by navigating to the Reports tab -> opening the 'FundPanel Reports' folder -> Searching for 'portal' as the search keyword. The following two reports should display:     

  • As the report names suggest, each report is used to manage their corresponding portal document type (either 'Commitment' related or 'Fund' related). Each report groups the documents by its corresponding type (by Commitment or Fund). 

  • This report is filtered by Portal Doc is True, so will only display documents successfully uploaded to the Portal.  You can filter Documents Created Date, Last Modified Date, Document Date, or Uploaded From Portal Date.  

Making Updates to Portal Documents

To manage existing portal documents, use these reports mentioned in the previous section to open the file that needs to be updated or deleted. 

  • Click on the Hyperlink with the Document Title

  • This document can then be viewed, edited, or deleted and re-uploaded as needed.

Mass Deleting Commitment Documents

To quickly delete Commitment level documents in bulk, Navigate to the Fund and find the Capital Commitments list.  

  • Click Delete Documents

  • You can filter by Document Type by only having particular Document Types in the Selected Document Types box, or by Document Date.
  • Click Apply Filter to any set filters    

  • Next you can select any (or all) documents to be deleted
  • Click Delete Selected Documents