Hosting Capital Call PDF Statements on the Portal Only

Modified on Sun, 12 Mar 2023 at 10:56 PM

If a Client prefers to include the Wire Instructions in the Capital Call PDF, the Capital Call PDF can be removed from the communication and hosted exclusively on the Investor Portal.  A direct link to the Capital Call object and downloadable PDF can be generated and included in the email body.  

To select the PDF to be posted to the Investor Portal ONLY and not included attached in the Communication:

  • Generate the Capital Call Communication from the Capital Call Parent
  • Ensure the Default Template includes Wire Instructions or select a template that includes Wire Instructions    

  • To insert the direct link to the Capital Call object in the Investor Portal, click Edit Email Content from the Communication page
  • In the Edit Email Content window, click on Insert Portal Link

  • Select Link To Tab Item
  • Select Capital Calls from the dropdown list next to Link To
  • Copy the link or select Copy to Clipboard

  • Highlight the Text where you want to enter the link and select the Link icon 

  • Paste the Link into the box and click on the link icon again 

  • Click Save Changes, and Return To Fund Communication

  • Click to Send the Communication by Contact or Investment Vehicle
  • In the Send Communication dialog window:
    • Uncheck Attach PDF Statement to Email
    • Check Upload PDF to LP Portal's Capital Calls Tab
    • Check Upload PDF to LP Portal's Documents Tab if you also want a copy in the Capital Calls Folder of the Documents Tab

  • Click to Send the Communication