Email Template Repository: Getting Started Guide

Modified on Wed, 01 Nov 2023 at 03:25 PM

Accessing the Email Template Repository

Navigate to the "FundPanel Email Template Repository" in Box.

Select the folder corresponding to the type of email template you want (e.g., PCAP, Capital Call, Distribution).

Browsing and Selecting Templates

Inside the chosen folder, you will find several sub-folders of various email template styles. Browse for the style of email template you need and inside you will find an uploaded image displaying the template's appearance as well as an .html file that contains the templates source code.

Copying the Source Code

Once you have chosen a template that suits your needs, open the .html file and copy all text from <html> to </html>.

IMPORTANT! Make sure to copy the entire source code from the .html file to your clipboard

Preparing Salesforce for Template Use

Open your Salesforce client org.

Navigate to the setup menu located in the top right (Gear icon if in Lighting UI)

Cloning Default Templates

In the setup menu, go to classic email templates by searching for it in the Quick Find / Search bar.

Select a default template related to the type of email you're creating (e.g., PCAP).

Clone the selected template using the Clone button.

Choose a new file name, appending unique identifiers if needed (e.g., Capital Account Statement Template - QTD/YTD/ITD)

Ensure the Template Unique Name is unique (usually same as Email Template Name but with underscores instead of spaces).

Save the newly cloned template and it should now appear in the Aduro Fund Communication Templates list.

Customizing Company Logo

Modify the company logo following instructions provided in this help-article:


The template is now ready for use! 

You should now be able to create a new fund communication and locate the template by the name you gave the template in the fund communication creation wizard's drop-down menu.

If additional customizations are required, please submit a ticket to FundPanel support for further assistance.