Important Note: Make sure that all contributions and distributions are correct and have been processed in Salesforce before beginning generating capital accounts. There is no entry field for Contributions and Distributions, these are pulled from the system.
Capital Account Statements can be generated directly from any Fund's page by following the steps below:
On the Fund record:
- Click Capital Accounts.
NOTE: Carefully read the pop-up prompt!
- Step 1: Select Commitments
- Step 2: Capital Account
- The input screen for the capital accounts will open. Enter the As Of date of the capital account, and the quarterly change in each category.
- These changes will be automatically split between LPs on the next page. These fields can be omitted if your team will be using the template only to input values.
- Save As Draft (Hide from Portal) - Checking this will hide the capital accounts from the portal. *NOTE: The total capital called will still be added into the totals on the Fund tab.
- Manage Available Fields - This tool can be used to add/remove fields from the page. *Custom fields can be added by the FP Support team.
- Step 3: Capital Accounts Breakout
- This page has a breakout of the capital account values from the previous page.
- The Export Template and Process CSV tools can be used together to fine-tune the values.
- Do Not Create Blank Records will automatically skip any Investment Vehicle that has all 0 values.
- Step 4: Confirm & Save
- After clicking Confirm & Save a process will be started to create the capital accounts. It may take a moment depending on the size of your org.
- A review page with the Capital Account Parent and all created Capital Accounts will be shown.