Logging a Call

Modified on Fri, 28 Oct 2022 at 12:26 PM

Callbacks with clients and investors, e.g. wire confirmations, or calls with vendors can now be recorded in FundPanel using the log a call button in the Activity history section under Fund, Account, and Contacts.  

Note: Calls with or related to portfolio companies can also be logged under Company Summary.  


Accessing the Log a Call button

  • Navigate to the Fund, Account, or Contact you want to a record a call under and scroll down to the Activity History section.
  • Click Log a Call

Log a Call Fields

To log a call complete the following fields in the Task Information section: 

  • Assigned To: automatically populates with the name of the user logged into FundPanel.
  • Subject: Enter the subject of the call
  • Due Date: Enter the date the call took place
  • Comments: Enter any additional information about the call
  • Related To: Select the Fund or Account connected to the call, this will determine which Activity History section the call will be recorded into. 
  • Name: Enter name of the contact you had the call with if you want to connect a call to a Contact to reflect on that Contact's activity history.  For example, if you have a call with a client confirming the wire instructions for a fund you would select the Fund in the related to section and then you can add the Contact name of the GP you spoke with.
  • Once you are done inputting Task Information press Save

  • Once all the Task Information is saved, the call will display in Activity history under the Fund or Account.

  • If a contact was selected the call will also display in the Contact's Activity History.


Scheduling a Call

You can schedule a follow up call, and a reminder, when you are logging call directly from the Log a Call window.  You can also schedule a call or task from the Open Activity section of the Fund, Account, Contact, or Company Summary page.

Scheduling from the Log a Call Window

  • To schedule a follow up call at the time of logging a historical call, edit the Task Information Section under Schedule follow-up task in the Log a Call window.
  • You can also schedule a Reminder, or deselect the Reminder checkbox if you do not want to trigger a reminder.

Scheduling from Open Activities

  • The scheduled call will display in the Open Activities section.

  • To schedule a call or task from the Open Activities section select New Task and complete the fields in the Task Information section.
  • You can also schedule a Reminder, or deselect the Reminder checkbox if you do not want to trigger a reminder.